Monday, July 28, 2008

8th week/semana

Aqui tenemos el planing de esta semana, un poco relajado en correr y subiendo intensidad en bicicleta (spinning)

Here we have the planning for this week, a little bit relax regarding running but increasing, step by step, the cycling part (spinning).

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Sunday, July 20, 2008

La abuela tenia razon

Pues resulta que si, que el menu de la abuela contra malestares de estomago funciona. Estoy sano otra vez !!

Grandmother's remedy against upset stomachs works !! I'm healthy again.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Today's Menu

El remedio de la abuela.
siguiendo los pasos de la experiencia, voy a seguir los consejos de mi abuela. Para el dolor y malestar de estomago, no hay nada mejor que un cena de cerveza y arroz. Toma ya !!!

Grandmother's remedy.
Following experience's steps, I'm going to follow my Grandmother's advises. Against pain and stomach "failure" there is nothing better than a dinner based on beer and rise. Bring it on !!!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Conio !! Desde ayer tengo diarrea, nauseas y fiebre. Creo que me intoxique con la pasta que re-calente antes de ayer. Hoy estoy un poco mejor, pero no me atrevo a correr o ir al gimnasio. Podria tener un accidente, un desagradable accidente.

Sick :-(

God damm it!! Since yesterday I have diarrhea and nauseas and fever. I think I poisoned myself with the pasta that I re-cooked :\ Today I'm a little bit better, but I do not dare to run neither go to the gym. Shit could happen.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Ahhh the weather !!

Why in Belgium the Summer looks like exactly the same as the Winter? No Sun and rainy days. It's quite difficult to motivate myself to run outside when the weather sucks so much!!! Alternatives left? running indoors (gym) and sweat like a bastard :-( no fresh air, no people coming from the other direction and most of all BORING to death, because you do not move. Dam rain!!

Por que en Belgica el Verano se parece demasiado al Invierno? No sale el Sol y llueve!! Es muy dificil automotivarse y salir a correr a la calles cuando el tiempo es una mierda. Que alternativas me quedan? Correr dentro (gym) y sudar como un bastardo :-( sin aire fresco, sin ver a gente venir del lado contrario y sobre todo el aburrimiento hasta morir por que no te mueves. Maldita lluvia!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Thursday, July 3, 2008

What a week !!

Yes, you might wonder why I haven't posted anything since last Thursday, and the reason is: Spain won the Eurocup 2008 and as you can imagine... I had to celebrate it. Since last Sunday till Wednesday evening (running) I didn't do anything but drinking beers :-) hydrating myself. Yesterday I sweated all the beer!

Vaya semanita

Bueno, desde que España gano la Eurocopa de fútbol y posteriores celebraciones ;-) NO HE HECHO NADA DE DEPORTE. Ayer miércoles sude toda la cerveza que había consumido desde el domingo pasado. Una hora corriendo y casi muerto.