Wednesday, May 28, 2008

I'm zzinking

Today, it was my first contact with the water since starting this crazy idea of IronMan. A little bit of technical training conducted by Tessa. After 40 minutes "swimming" (or something like that) I felt like this guy.. completely out of his element and with a serious need of improvement ... badly ! :\

Hoy ha sido mi primer contacto con el agua desde que empecé con esta idea loca del IronMan. Un poquito de entrenamiento técnico dirigido por Tessa. Después de 40 minutos "nadando" (o algo parecido) me sentí como este tipo.. completamente fuera de su elemento y con seria necesidad de mejorar.. Malamente! :\

Monday, May 26, 2008

Y el ganador es / And the winner is .....

Aqui estan los ganadores de esta edicion Ironman Lanzarote 2008:
Bella Comerford y Bert Jammaer

Felicidades !!

No puedo esperar mas, Me voy a inscribir AHORA MISMO !!!!

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And here the winners of Ironman Lanzarote 2008:

Bella Comerford and Bert Jammaer
Congratulations !!

I can't wait any longer, I'm going to register RIGHT NOW !!!!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Salimos/Here we go!

Aqui va la tabla de correr de la primera semana / Here is the running table for 1st week.

Martes/Tuesday (70 min) paso lento/low pace
Jueves/Thursday (45 " ) paso lento ma non troppo ;-)
Sabado/Saturday (30 " ) recuperacion/recover
Domingo/Sunday (80 " ) paso lento/low pace

No creo que haya ningun problema, no problem expected.

A parte de "empezar" a correr en serio (es decir con un objetivo en mente), esta semana tambien me servira para implantar un poco de disciplina en lo referente a las horas de suenio. Tendre que cambiar de las habituales 6 horas a 8 horas por dia. De nada serviria entrenar si despues no puedo recuperarme debidamente. Asi que, la tele dejara de ser mi amiga durante un gran tiempo. Creo que Tessa (mi novia) va a estar muy muy contenta ;-)

A ver que tal va.

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Besides "starting" the more serious running (meaning, running with a purpose), I will use this week to setup a little bit of discipline concerning sleeping hours. I have to change the usual 6 hours to 8 hour per day. It would be useless to start a hard training if I could not recovery properly. So, TV won't be my "friend" for a long time to come. I guess Tess (girlfriend) is going to be really really happy about it.

Let's see how it goes.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

One year to the start line !!

Hi there!

That's it, today I have only one year left!!
I'm f... doing it. I'm starting my training for the Ironman Lanzarote 2009.

One year of heavy training ahead of me.
One year of pain.
One year to improve my swimming skills, if any(?).

This blog will show my progress, my future frustrations, my happiness about achieving some milestones (able to swim for one hour non stop without sinking ;-)), and most of all my willing to test what my body and my head are capable of.

Keep you posted!!