Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Friday, October 10, 2008
My knees !!!
Last Sunday was the Marathon in Brussels and these were my times:
at 10km -> 0:56:44
at 20km -> 2:06:08
at 30km -> 3:09:06
at 36 km -> I gave up.
Why? It was a pitty because, actually, I did not have any condition problem, I felt strong all the time, capable of finishing the Marathon sometimes it was even laughing like I will finish this with no issues. But, I did I gave up, you may wonder. MY KNEES !!! from km 32 till 36 a unberable pain came to my knees. Exactly the same muscle in both knees.
- Perhaps the cold? (we started the marathon with 10 degrees) after three hours my knees say "no more".
- Perhaps the rain?: Apart from cold weather, it was raining all the way.
- Perhaps my shoes?: Needless to say that I used the same shoes that I've been using for last 4 months (advised by all marathon runners) so no it can not be. But there is a difference, it was raining and my shoes are not GORETEX.. bad!!!
Maybe none of them. ?
Fisical condition is quite good. I ended up with enough power, but without knees.
I took the safest option and I stopped. Perhaps I could have finished, but my goal is to finish in 7 months the IronMan in Lanzarote. I played conservative, I stopped, so I can run today. I do not have the luxury of finishing a Marathon with broken legs that will keep me away from training in weeks.
Look at the picture km 21 (left botton corner)
Friday, October 3, 2008
Flight Number --> MB910
Departure -> 5 nov 9:00
E.T.A. (Estimated Time Arrival) -> 1:00
Forecast -> RAIN :\
This is going to be funny, 42km under the rain (be water, my friend!!)
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Monday, August 25, 2008
20 Triathlons in 14 Months !!!!!!
You can check him out here http://worldtour2008.org/home.php
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Brussels Marathon 2008
Next 5th of October I have a date with pain, in Brussels.
Monday, July 28, 2008
8th week/semana
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Sunday, July 20, 2008
La abuela tenia razon
Grandmother's remedy against upset stomachs works !! I'm healthy again.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Today's Menu
El remedio de la abuela.
siguiendo los pasos de la experiencia, voy a seguir los consejos de mi abuela. Para el dolor y malestar de estomago, no hay nada mejor que un cena de cerveza y arroz. Toma ya !!!
Grandmother's remedy.
Following experience's steps, I'm going to follow my Grandmother's advises. Against pain and stomach "failure" there is nothing better than a dinner based on beer and rise. Bring it on !!!
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Sick :-(
Monday, July 14, 2008
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Ahhh the weather !!
Por que en Belgica el Verano se parece demasiado al Invierno? No sale el Sol y llueve!! Es muy dificil automotivarse y salir a correr a la calles cuando el tiempo es una mierda. Que alternativas me quedan? Correr dentro (gym) y sudar como un bastardo :-( sin aire fresco, sin ver a gente venir del lado contrario y sobre todo el aburrimiento hasta morir por que no te mueves. Maldita lluvia!
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Thursday, July 3, 2008
What a week !!
Vaya semanita
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Se busca piscina
Swimming Pool wanted !!
Monday, June 23, 2008
Sunday, June 22, 2008
La gente canta con pasion... Que viva España!!!
30 grados.
Today it was painful the running hour :( With 30 degrees and winding, I sweat a lot and my legs were quite static and heavy. Perhaps I'm getting used to the weather in Blegium where having more than 25 degrees is quite exceptional. While running I was thinking "if this is hard, imagine in one year time in Lanzarote, with stronger wind and heat"
Friday, June 20, 2008
A Master Class
Something for next week. I'm going to follow the advices coming from this Super-Ironma (6 times winner in Hawaii)
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Neverending story !
Mi Segunda Casa / My second home
I present you what is going to be my second home for now on (Baden van Saint-Joost)
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Monday, June 16, 2008
I forgot to mention
======================== //========================
Me olvidé de mencionar la tienda donde me compre las Mizuno. Vale la pena mencionarlo aquí por que el tipo que me las vendió no me quiso "vender la moto" (las más caras), sino aquellas que más se ajustan a mis necesidades (maraton). Fantastica tienda!
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Niño con zapatos nuevos
Después de un año y medio con las viejas playeras, ya era hora de cambiarlas por unas nuevas. Como decimos en España, "mas vale malo conocido que bueno por conocer". Así que decidí comprarme playeras de la misma marca, pero el nuevo modelo (Mizuno Waver Rider 11). Estoy esperando a terminar de trabajar para irme al parque a correr como un loco!!! Dios mio! Me estoy convirtiendo en un freaky!!
Alter one year an a half with the old sneakers, it was about time to change them for something newer. As we say in Spanish “Better bad already known that good that might come”. So I decided to buy the same brand of sneakers but the new model (Mizuno Waver Rider 11). I’m waiting to finish my journey at work and go to the park to run like a mad man!! Oh my GOD. I’m becoming one of them, the freaks.
Monday, June 9, 2008
I'm done with you !!
Everytime I watch this video I can see myself arguing with myself.
No pain, no gain! What the f...
Tercera semana y ya comienzo a sentir el dolor en mis piernas ai ai ai
Despues de correr 90 minutos, EL DOMINGO, termine el dia con un andar un poco gracioso. :\
Third week and I'm starting to feel the pain in my legs ai ai ai. After running 90 minutes ON SUNDAY, I ended up the day with a funny walk. :\
Entrenamiento para esta semana / Tranning for this week
Nadar/Swimming 60 min
Running 80 min
Spinning 60 Min
- Nadar/Swimming: 60
- Correr/Running:
10 Min (Ritmo lento/Low Pace)
2 x 15 Min (Intensivo con 5 min de jogging/Intensive with min jogging )
10 Min jogging
- Nadar/Swimming: 60 Min
Correr/Running 30 Min
Spining: 60 Min
Correr/Running 105 Min
Si si... esta semana no habra descanso hasta el proximo Lunes buaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Yes! no resting day during this week till next Monday snif snif sni
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Segunda Semana / Second week
Hoy comienza la segunda semana de entrenamiento. Esta semana me servirá para introducir, lentamente, el entrenamiento de natación y bicicleta. Durante los dos primeros meses, el entrenamiento semanal de bicicleta lo realizare en el gimnasio (Spinning). El spinning me servirá par coger un poco de condición antes de salir a la carretera.
Today starts my second week of training. I will use this week as an introductory week for the swimming and biking training. During first two months I'll do my biking training indoors (gym). Spinning will help me to build up some condition before hitting the road.==================== // ====================
- Natacion/swimming 60 min
- Spinning 60 min
- Correr/running 80 min
- Natacion/swimming 60 min
- Spinning 60 min
- Correr/running:
25 min Intensive training
10 min Extensive training
Day off ;-)
-Correr/running 30 min recovery
-Correr/running 90 Long Slow Distance
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
I'm zzinking
Hoy ha sido mi primer contacto con el agua desde que empecé con esta idea loca del IronMan. Un poquito de entrenamiento técnico dirigido por Tessa. Después de 40 minutos "nadando" (o algo parecido) me sentí como este tipo.. completamente fuera de su elemento y con seria necesidad de mejorar.. Malamente! :\
Monday, May 26, 2008
Y el ganador es / And the winner is .....
Aqui estan los ganadores de esta edicion Ironman Lanzarote 2008:
Bella Comerford y Bert Jammaer
Felicidades !!
No puedo esperar mas, Me voy a inscribir AHORA MISMO !!!!
====================== // =======================
And here the winners of Ironman Lanzarote 2008:
Bella Comerford and Bert Jammaer
Congratulations !!
I can't wait any longer, I'm going to register RIGHT NOW !!!!
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Salimos/Here we go!
Aqui va la tabla de correr de la primera semana / Here is the running table for 1st week.
Martes/Tuesday (70 min) paso lento/low pace
Jueves/Thursday (45 " ) paso lento ma non troppo ;-)
Sabado/Saturday (30 " ) recuperacion/recover
Domingo/Sunday (80 " ) paso lento/low pace
No creo que haya ningun problema, no problem expected.
A parte de "empezar" a correr en serio (es decir con un objetivo en mente), esta semana tambien me servira para implantar un poco de disciplina en lo referente a las horas de suenio. Tendre que cambiar de las habituales 6 horas a 8 horas por dia. De nada serviria entrenar si despues no puedo recuperarme debidamente. Asi que, la tele dejara de ser mi amiga durante un gran tiempo. Creo que Tessa (mi novia) va a estar muy muy contenta ;-)
A ver que tal va.
======================= // ===================
Besides "starting" the more serious running (meaning, running with a purpose), I will use this week to setup a little bit of discipline concerning sleeping hours. I have to change the usual 6 hours to 8 hour per day. It would be useless to start a hard training if I could not recovery properly. So, TV won't be my "friend" for a long time to come. I guess Tess (girlfriend) is going to be really really happy about it.
Let's see how it goes.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
One year to the start line !!
That's it, today I have only one year left!!
I'm f... doing it. I'm starting my training for the Ironman Lanzarote 2009.
One year of heavy training ahead of me.
One year of pain.
One year to improve my swimming skills, if any(?).
This blog will show my progress, my future frustrations, my happiness about achieving some milestones (able to swim for one hour non stop without sinking ;-)), and most of all my willing to test what my body and my head are capable of.
Keep you posted!!