Sunday, June 22, 2008

30 grados.

Hoy me ha costado mucho correr una hora :( Con 30 grados y viento sude demasiado, mis piernas estaban un poco paradas, estaticas, pesadas. Quizas me estoy acostumbrando demasiado al clima de Belgica donde tener mas de 25 grados es algo excepcional. Durante la carrera pense, "si esto me cuesta, imaginate dentro de un anio en Lanzarote, con viento y calor mucho mas fuerte"

Today it was painful the running hour :( With 30 degrees and winding, I sweat a lot and my legs were quite static and heavy. Perhaps I'm getting used to the weather in Blegium where having more than 25 degrees is quite exceptional. While running I was thinking "if this is hard, imagine in one year time in Lanzarote, with stronger wind and heat"

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